Membership Types
The Guild has 4 Membership categories: Regular, Business, Charter and Honorary. New and Renewing members are either Regular or Business.
Regular Memberships:
Regular Membership includes access to the monthly Newsletter and the Guild Directory, receipt of news and updates via eNews emails, access to the Guild’s extensive library of books, videos and periodicals, and privilege to participate in the annual 5-day Retreat.
Business Memberships:
Business Membership is for anyone interested in basket making who wishes to be known as a business, and is an option designed for authors, teachers, vendors, lecturers, artists, etc. who provide a service or product.
In addition to those privileges of a Regular Membership, Business Members are included in a separate listing in the Guild Directory with links to business websites, one free (per year) 1/4 page advertisement in the Guild Newsletter, and permission to send mailings to the Guild Membership.
Information below explains how Business Members can access these extra benefits. Please contact the appropriate person to initiate the first 3 items on this list..
1. Listing and link on Guild’s Web page
Please contact: webadmin@nwbasketweavers.org (currently Richard Vogt)
Provide: Your name, your business name, web link, and a one line description.
For examples see: https://www.nwbasketweavers.org/links-and-resouces/
2. Receive a list of members’ email and/or street addresses once a year, upon request.
Please contact: membership@nwbasketweavers.org (currently Sue Van Wassenhove)
3. One free, non-time-sensitive, 1⁄4 page ad in Guild’s newsletter.
Please contact: newsletter@nwbasketweavers.org (currently Louie Shellenberger)
Provide: Advertisement information in a word document, .JPG, or .PDF, or even just in an email. Note that your ad my be reformatted to fit into the available space.
FYI – general Newsletter advertisement info: 1/4 Page @ $5.00, 1/2 Page @ $8.00, Full Page @ $15.00. Payment must accompany camera-ready copy. CLASSIFIEDS – 3 lines $1.00. Run the same ad for three consecutive issues and receive a 10% discount. Contact newsletter@nwbasketweavers.org
4. Directory listings.
In addition to being listed with the general membership, Business Members are also automatically listed in a concise Business Section of the Directory
If necessary, please contact: membership@nwbasketweavers.org